Reccodo Monitoring in Google Analytics

Running an online store means that you must also be able to track and evaluate every sale and event occurring on your website. Reccodo was born in the data world and although it offers extensive monitoring on its dashboard, it is unthinkable not being able to track Reccodo’s performance in Google Analytics.  

Below you will find instruction on how you can accurately monitor user behaviour and sales attribution in Google Analytics for Reccodo, through audience segmentation.  

1. Create a segment in Google Analytics, by choosing “Add Segment” as shown in the image below.

2. Choose "New Segment".

3. Go to the field Segment name and type in, the new segment name.

5. Then select Conditions.

6. From the drop-down menu select Page.

7. Fill in “ref=reccodo” and press the Save button.

8. Go to Source/Medium field and select "Add Segment".

Choose the segment that you created before and you will see a screen like the one below.

You will be able to monitor how many visits, sales, revenue, you have in total on the site and to what extent Reccodo actually contributed to these results.

Afterwards, you can create a segment in the same way for each Reccodo widget so that you can monitor the results per widget.

To do this simply change the text that is in the box in step 7, to the respective text  you can find in your dashboard.

You are all set! Once you complete the above steps you can monitor the traffic assisted by Reccodo choosing the respective segments.

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